Dragon & Tiger Refinements Series 3 (Online & In-Person)


Dragon & Tiger Refinements Series 3 (Online & In-Person)


Subject: Push and Pull Chi with Your Feet

One Refinements 3 practice goal is for you to be able to push and pull energy in and out of your feet continuously in every movement, toward and from the bottom of your chi body.

We’ll review the physical mechanics of how to push and pull with each of your feet individually and together, evenly at first and eventually with flicking and piercing patterns. We’ll then explore the sensations of pushing and pulling chi into and out of your feet, often in unison with your hands and/or breath.

We’ll also explore how to integrate these skills into the 7 movements of Dragon & Tiger.

Prerequisite: Completion of Refinements Series courses twice (or equivalent experience), and permission of instructor.

To determine if you have the skills to qualify for this course based on equivalent experience, please click here to view our Dragon & Tiger Learning Progression and review the skills we teach in the Refinements 2 Series of courses. To qualify for this course, you need to have learned from a live instructor and be able to manifest in your body those skills.

To gain Bill’s permission to participate, click here to send him a request to join the course.

Class Times: (Eastern Time)

You can come to either or both:

Tuesdays 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. (In-person)

Thursdays 9 - 10 a.m. (Online)


7 weeks, May 2 to June 15.

Instructor: Bill Ryan

Cost: $160

Format: In-person on Tuesdays; Online on Thursdays

PLEASE NOTE that the format of the class is subject to change based on developments with Covid-19. It is possible that we may need to begin the class entirely online, or switch to an entirely online format at times, depending on the case load in our area.

To attend this course in person, you must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

For more information on coming in to the studio for a class, please click here.

Zoom Info: We will email you the Zoom link for this course, along with instructions for how to prepare, the weekend before the course begins.

Multiple Course Discount: If you are taking more than one course this session you may take $30 of your base fee for this course. On the checkout page, enter this discount code: Multi

Please click here to Join our Wait List IF the course is full.

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Refinements Series 3 Courses

Bill chooses which topic to address each session, drawing from topics that range from balancing one's energy to uniting the “body gears” of the upper and lower body, to drawing chi in from, and releasing chi out to, the earth below and the skies above us.  

For more information, see our Learning Progression Overview.