This qigong practice naturally stimulates the Earth element of your body in accord with Chinese five-element theory.

It consists of six beautiful and graceful continuously-circling movements done from a standing position. You don't move your feet, and yet you exercise every part of your body. You repeat each movement the same number of times, ideally 20.

Through it you learn to become more balanced, centered, and stable - like Earth. You also learn how to integrate all of the other elemental energies of your body - Water, Wood, Fire, and Metal - as Earth does.

The movements of Gods are relatively easy to learn and are especially helpful in releasing the neck, shoulders, and upper back.  
Gods becomes a more and more advanced practice as you learn to put ever more sophisticated and subtle energy development practices inside its movements. Ultimately, it becomes the most advanced and powerful qigong practice that we teach.

Gods Playing in the Clouds Qigong Move 2

We offer the following courses in this subject. Please click on any that interest you:

Foundation: Part 1

You’ll learn the fundamentals of movements 1, 2 and 4 of Gods Playing in the Clouds.  You’ll also continue to refine practices from Opening the Energy Gates qigong.

We’ll explore the nature of circular movement and begin learning how to turn the tissues of the arms.

This course will not be offered this session.

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Foundation: Part 2

You’ll learn the fundamentals of movements 3, 5 and 6 of Gods Playing in the Clouds. You’ll also continue to refine movements 1, 2, and 4 as well as practices from Opening the Energy Gates.

We’ll explore the nature of circular movement and begin learning how to turn the tissues of the arms.

This course will not be offered this session.

To receive email notices about our future course schedules, please click here to join our email list.

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In an ongoing series of refinements courses, we’ll deepen our skill and understanding of the six movements of Gods, as well as continue to refine practices from Opening the Energy Gates.

We’ll also explore qigong techniques such as being full throughout the entire body, turning and twisting the soft tissues of the arms and legs, and moving circularly.


Completion of Part 2 course or permission of instructor based on equivalent knowledge.

This course will not be offered this session. 

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